MPC Varnish Potential Testing and Varnish Removal System

Weather your trying to Stop varnish and sludge before it starts or need to get varnish back under control. Flowquip has the experience and equipment to stop varnish in it tracks.
How it works: the power of selective Chemisorption
As oil degradation byproducts (depleted antioxidants and oxidized base oil) make contact with ESP media, the specific mix chemically targets and removes the contaminants through strong adsorption forces. This ensures it will not be released back into the oil. ESP has a high capacity as it uses the full volume of the media, not just surface area.

New Oil

While in service the oil degrades by thermal and mechanical stress

Oil degradation products are created. They are in solution in oil and also settle out of the oil to form varnish.

Monitoring Oil Degradation and Varnish
The tests that provide the highest value in predicting turbine oil varnish are the individual antioxidant monitoring and Membrane Patch Colorimetry MPCin combination with particlecounting.
The earliest sign of oil degradation is detected with voltammetry (RULER method) since the antioxidants are the most reactive species in turbine oils and are the first to deplete.
The most important testto predict varnish formation is the Membrane Patch Colorimetry test, which measures the color of the sub-micron oil degradation products, as well as particlecounting.
It is preferential to use these tests together to provide a more complete picture of the varnish tendencies of the turbine oil.
The most important test to predict varnish formation is MPC

ESP restores the oil and then removes the deposits in the system.

The oil has been cleaned with the soft contaminates and varnish removed.

Delivering ESP to your lubrication system
ESP is easily delivered in a kidney loop system using Fluitec’s VITA ESP series of equipment. VITA ESP is designed for performance using vessel size and flow dynamics for optimum contact time with the oil to quickly and effectively remove degradation byproducts

ESP technology relies on the principles of “chemisorption.” ESP selectively removes oil degradation products that are in suspension or in solution without disturbing the fluid’s additive system. For optimal performance, ESP media is fully customized for each application and is selected based on oil type and condition.