GIW Hydrocyclone

Apex Kit

Easy assembly
GIW Introduces Patented Hydrocyclone.
The GIW Hydrocyclone, covered by more than 20 U.S. and global patents, has significantly longer wear life and shorter maintenance times than traditional hydrocyclones. As a result, customers enjoy less downtime, less expense, and less frustration than ever before.
Fresh, innovative design reduces downtime by up to six hours.
Most hydrocyclone manufacturers are basically producing the same designs that they have been using for the past 50 years. In contrast, the GIW Hydrocyclone is the result of a fresh, original look at mining-processing needs and modern technology.
GIW's straightforward tie-bolt and clamp design is a breeze to install and maintain. Seven fasteners are all that is needed for a complete rebuild. A twist-to-lock option simplifies apex removal and service, and drop-in, glue-free liners reduce build time. By adding weep holes for early wear detection, customers can virtually eliminate unplanned outages.
That equals a typical rebuild time of just two hours — a time savings of up to six hours and a potential financial savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Long-lasting construction extends life in high-wear environments.
Manufactured in the U.S., the GIW Hydrocyclone is made for high-wear environments. Aside from its simple installation and fast, easy maintenance, this hydrocyclone is built to last. Tongue-and-groove mating surfaces foster precision alignment. Long-lasting urethane and ceramic cones and powder-coated steel construction resist corrosion and damage from abrasion, acid, oil, hydrocarbon, phosphate, potash, and high temperatures, increasing the life of the product.
This hydrocyclone has superior resistance to tramp and oversize materials, thanks to its reaction bonded silicon carbide (RBSiC) and polyurethane construction. The patented design makes the GIW Hydrocyclone perfect for use in primary ball mill, aggregate, tailings, regrind, coal-preparation, dewatering, and phosphate/potash processes.
The GIW Hydrocyclone is available in eight sizes, ranging from 2.5 inches to 33 inches. Repairs and rebuilds can be performed in place or on a build stand.
APEX Replacement Solutions
The apex is the highest wear part of the cyclone. This section is subjected to a high concentration of coarse solids travelling at a high velocity. The GIW® Minerals line of hydrocyclones features a patented long wearing design that can allow replacement apex to be fitted to your existing equipment. In addition, rebuild time is reduced from hours to minutes. Choose the GIW® Minerals APEX Kit for lower cyclone operating costs & increased maintenance flexibility.
Apex Kit Features
1 One clamp with two bolts ease installation & maintenance
2 No liners, glue or gaskets are needed
3 Urethane encapsulated ceramic for maximum wear life
Easy to install and maintain
APEX Kit replacement parts use 1 clamp with 2 bolts instead of competitor’s 4-10 nuts, bolts & washers.
No liners, glue, or gaskets are needed.
Patented GIW urethane/ceramic replacement parts are lighter weight than lined steel housings - lower possibility of service personnel injury.
Our replacement parts can be installed on any existing cyclone without modifications. Durable
Patented GIW® Minerals urethane encapsulated ceramic is abrasion and impact/cracking resistant.
Evenif cracked by tramp material, the ceramic liner stays together and can achieve full wear due to its bonded urethane backing. Best value
Parts are constructed with a premium reaction bonded silicon carbide (RBSiC) ceramic and urethane.
APEX Kit replacement parts cost 25-50% less than a standard ceramic apex.
GIW® Minerals RBSiC resists wear better than aluminum oxide or nitride bonded silicon carbide ceramics sold by other cyclone vendors.